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  Journal Paper

Paper Title :
Data-Intensive Arrangement On The Duplicate Discovery In Wireless Sensor Networks

Author :K. Satish Kumar Raju, D.Lavanya

Article Citation :K. Satish Kumar Raju ,D.Lavanya , (2014 ) " Data-Intensive Arrangement On The Duplicate Discovery In Wireless Sensor Networks " , International Journal of Soft Computing And Artificial Intelligence (IJSCAI) , pp. 6-16, Volume-2,Issue-2

Abstract : Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are more and more used in data-intensive application such as microclimate monitor, We using low cost throwaway mobile relays to reduce the energy use of data-intensive WSNs. Our approach differs from previous work in two main aspects. First, it does not require multifaceted motion preparation of mobile nodes, so it can be implemented on a number of low-cost mobile sensor platforms. Second, we put together the energy use due to both mobility and wireless transmissions into a holistic optimization framework. Our framework consists of three main algorithms. The first algorithm computes an best routing tree haughty no nodes can move. The second algorithm improve the topology of the routing tree by greedily addition new nodes exploit mobility of the newly added nodes. The third algorithm improve the routing tree by relocate its nodes without altering its topology. This iterative algorithm converge on the best place for each node given the restriction that the routing tree topology does not change. We present efficient distributed implementations for each algorithm that require only limited, localized synchronization. Because we do not of necessity compute an optimal topology, our final routing tree is not necessarily optimal. However, our simulation results show that our algorithms considerably outperform the best existing solutions. In this paper, we propose two novel node clone discovery protocols with different tradeoffs on network conditions and presentation. The first one is based on a dispersed hash table (DHT), by which a fully decentralized, key-based caching and checking system is construct to catch cloned nodes effectively. The protocol presentation on efficient storage use and high security level is hypothetically deducted through a probability model, and the resulting equations, with necessary adjustments for real application, are support by the simulations. Although the DHT-based protocol incurs similar message cost as previous approaches, it may be considered a little high for some scenario. To address this concern, our second distributed detection protocol, named randomly directed exploration, presents good message presentation for dense sensor networks, by a probabilistic directed forwarding technique along with random initial direction and border determination. The simulation results uphold the protocol design and show its competence on message overhead and satisfactory discovery probability.

Type : Research paper

Published : Volume-2,Issue-2


Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals

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| Published on 2014-11-08
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