Paper Title :Computer Aided Analysis And Selection Of Optimal Structural Diagram For 3 Stage Gearbox Of Lathe Headstock
Author :Manash Bhuyan, Monoj Baruah, Priyanku Poddar, Mousumi Gogoi
Article Citation :Manash Bhuyan ,Monoj Baruah ,Priyanku Poddar ,Mousumi Gogoi ,
(2015 ) " Computer Aided Analysis And Selection Of Optimal Structural Diagram For 3 Stage Gearbox Of Lathe Headstock " ,
International Journal of Soft Computing And Artificial Intelligence (IJSCAI) ,
pp. 45-50,
Abstract : A gearbox is a mechanical device that is used to provide speed and torque conversions from a rotating power
source to output shaft. A gearbox is formed by mounting different gears in appropriate speed rations to obtain the desired
variations in speed. Gearboxes usually have multiple sets of gears that are placed appropriately to obtain different speed
reduction. The process of gear design is an extremely vast and critical area, and whole research coverage in such work is not
possible. To design a complete gearbox it is necessary to find the optimal structural diagram. This diagram helps the
designer to design the gearbox accurately. In case of 3 stage gearbox design, lots of combinations of structural diagrams are
obtained and out of these diagrams it is time consuming to find manually the optimal structural diagram. In this paper a new
methodology is suggested by developing a computer program in “C” to evaluate and analysis the structural diagrams and it
helps to find the optimal structural diagram within very short duration of time. This computational approach definitely helps
the designer to obtain the best structural diagram within short time duration.
Keywords- Structural Diagram, 3 Stage Gearbox, Transmission Ratio Restriction Criterion And Minimum Shaft Size
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3,Issue-2
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Published on 2015-12-07 |