Paper Title :Node Localizability With Security Using RC5 And Sha1 Algorithm in Wireless AD HOC And Sensor Networks
Author :B.Muzahadulla Khan, P.Narasimhulu, M.Veeresh Babu
Article Citation :B.Muzahadulla Khan ,P.Narasimhulu ,M.Veeresh Babu ,
(2013 ) " Node Localizability With Security Using RC5 And Sha1 Algorithm in Wireless AD HOC And Sensor Networks " ,
International Journal of Soft Computing And Artificial Intelligence (IJSCAI) ,
pp. 22=26,
Abstract : Location awareness is highly difficult for wireless sensor networks. To localize the node using GPS, it is
experimental that the network is not totally localized and also can’t identify the number of nodes can be located within a
network. Current localization algorithms mainly focus to localize as many nodes as possible for a given static set of anchor
nodes and distance measurement. In this paper, we discuss a new technique that aims to localize all the sensor nodes in the
network using trilateration with greedy technique, and a protection protocol is used for providing confidentiality and
authentication between anchor nodes and sensor nodes.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-1,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-01-24 |