Paper Title
College Recommendation System: Comparison of Different Machine Learning Models

Abstract - Completed graduation? Want to pursue a postgraduate degree? After the prosperous completion of graduation, the next voluminous task for students disposed to study further is culling the right program for their master's degree. This process can be very daunting since there are a plethora of colleges offering an abundance of different programs to cull from. A student is most liable to get inundated by all these culls. Also manually probing and going through all the reputed programs from estimable institutions is very infeasible. Here is where our system comes in. Our recommender provides a list of the top 10 colleges to the utilizer after taking opportune inputs from them to help them get a commencement point in their search for the impeccable institution. The user can then research further on the recommended college’s programs by visiting the college website from the links provided and arriving at a proper conclusion. Keywords - Random Forest, College Recommendation System, Web App, Python, Flask Webapp, Machine Learning, Top 10 College Recommendation