Paper Title
An Intelligent Obstacle And Over Speeding Sensor To Prevent Dashing Of Motorcycles
Now a days there is an increase in travel demand among people and a decline in sharing of public transport which
led to reliance on own motor vehicles which in turn lead to increased travel delays and increased incidence of road accidents.
This paper presents an intelligent obstacle and over speeding sensor to minimize the dashing of two wheelers in roadways. It
proposes a model of an intelligent sensor which detects an obstacle nearing the automobile. It responds to the obstacles like
other vehicles, dividers, curve in the hill roads, etc., with the proximity less than two meters. The proposed model consists of
intelligent comparator which compares the speed limit received from the speedometer of the vehicle and in turn activates the
Ultra Sonic obstacle sensor. This obstacle sensor detects the obstacles and then intimates the driver through indicators like
audio alarm and warning display to alert the driver to reduce the speed of the automobile to prevent dashing and to avoid
further accidents. This proposed intelligent obstacle sensor may reduce the rate of accidents happening in the roadways with
the over-speeding automobiles to 50%.