Paper Title :Development Of Coginition Enabled Game Based E-Learning Framework For Engineering Mechanics Concepts
Author :Ashok Kumar, Bala Abirami, Yavvari Gopi Krishna, G. Shibu, G.V Uma
Article Citation :Ashok Kumar ,Bala Abirami ,Yavvari Gopi Krishna ,G. Shibu ,G.V Uma ,
(2015 ) " Development Of Coginition Enabled Game Based E-Learning Framework For Engineering Mechanics Concepts " ,
International Journal of Soft Computing And Artificial Intelligence (IJSCAI) ,
pp. 26-29,
Abstract : In learning mechanics fundamentals in engineering, it is found that many students struggle to understand the
basic concepts. In particular, the huge amount of material in two subject areas viz., statics and dynamics. Within each
subjects there are many topics to cover which is a compound effect, that is, a new topic draws upon fundamentals of
preceding topics. Students lacking those fundamentals lead to a huge failure rate. The key solution to this is dramatically
increasing the engagement and motivating levels. Motivating them with traditional methods such as lectures and written
materials is more difficult. The main objective of the present work is to motivate the students to learn concepts through
computer games and to make the learning process more enjoyable and interactive. To design and to develop computer-games
that can relate with concepts of engineering mechanics which in turn will transform students understanding irreversibly is the
proposed work. It is expected that the outcome of this work shall give students a clear sense of fundamental insights of
concepts that they will carry into their professional life as engineers.
Keywords - Engineering Mechanics, Computer Games, E-Learning, Games based Learning, Engineering.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3,Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2015-12-02 |