Paper Title :Design Of An Active Storage Framework For Database Systems
Author :Sarita Deshmukh, Rahul Kapse, Varunakshi Bhojane
Article Citation :Sarita Deshmukh ,Rahul Kapse ,Varunakshi Bhojane ,
(2014 ) " Design Of An Active Storage Framework For Database Systems " ,
International Journal of Soft Computing And Artificial Intelligence (IJSCAI) ,
pp. 70-73,
Abstract : Personal data stored in the Cloud may contain account numbers, passwords, notes, and other important
information that could be used and misused by a miscreant, a competitor, or a court of law. These data are cached, copied,
and archived by Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), often without users’ authorization, authentication and control. First we are
providing security to the client and the server via Kerberos. Kerberos will make sure that only authenticated users are
logged in to the system, and in case the user is not authorized or does some sort of intrusion, then Kerberos automatically
logs the user out of the system like if the user is a spoofer and changes it’s PC’s IP address, then the Kerberos system
monitors this and automatically logs out the user. Also we set the login period, if the login period is over user can not access
the account. Kerberos converts the user password in hashing format so that it is difficult to the expert hackers to hacks the
password and to access the user data. Second we present SeDas, Self-destructing data mainly aims at protecting the user
data’s privacy. All the data and their copies become destructed or unreadable after a user-specified time, without any user
intervention. In addition, the decryption key is destructed after the user-specified time. This system that meets this challenge
through a novel integration of cryptographic techniques with active storage techniques based on T10 OSD standard. The
SeDas is practical to use and meets all the privacy-preserving goals described.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-11-08 |